Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sqlserver Issues ,Security Max Size(2005/2008 sql)

These are some of the Maximum Capacity Specifications for SQL Server 2008/2005 the Maximum size upto

* Database size: 524,272 terabytes
* Databases per instance of SQL Server: 32,767
* Filegroups per database: 32,767
* Files per database: 32,767
* File size (data): 16 terabytes
* File size (log): 2 terabytes
* Rows per table: Limited by available storage
* Tables per database: Limited by number of objects in a database

DataInsertion From One DataBase Column to Another DataBase Column

we need to write the following query to Insert Data from One Database column to another database column while the column name must be same in both of the tables and the datatype of the columns.

"Insert Into ProductDB2.dbo.Items(itm_ItemCode,itm_ItemDesc)
Select SupplyChaindb.dbo.SI_Item.itm_ItemCode,SupplyChaindb.dbo.SI_Item.itm_ItemDesc from SupplyChaindb.dbo.SI_Item"

Insert Into ProductDB2.dbo.Items(itm_ItemCode,itm_ItemDesc)Select SupplyChaindb.dbo.SI_Item.itm_ItemCode,SupplyChaindb.dbo.SI_Item.itm_ItemDesc from SupplyChaindb.dbo.SI_Item where SupplyChaindb.dbo.SI_Item.itm_Active='1'

Debug Sqlserver Stored Procedure:.

Create the above procedure.

  PROCEDURE Procdebug @in INT, @out INT out BEGINIF ( @in IS NULL ) SET
@in = 0 WHILE ( @in < = 100 ) BEGIN SET @out = @in SET @in = @in + 10 PRINT CONVERT(VARCHAR, @in) + ' - ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, @out) END END
@out INT Procdebug 5,@out OUTPUT @out
After creating stored procedure , select the second script to debug it. After selecting press F11, screen will open sored procedure in debug mode.Keep Press the F11 Button to continue all the cycles of debuging by press the F11 button you will the overall stage values.