The Blog is about how to pass the AZ-900 Microsoft certification exam. You can pass the exam by taking and understanding the concepts of Cloud Computing. There are mainly three areas which we need follow to get AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certified.
The Following three areas you need prepare for the exam.
Describe cloud concepts (25–30%)
Describe Azure architecture and services (35–40%)
Describe Azure management and governance (30–35%)
Find the details of all the three areas along with weightage of all parts that is covered in the exam, find Microsoft official link below for the all details.
The Link contains all the topics and concept include all basic information about the tools and services used in Azure Cloud to pass the exam.
Find the Link contains complete details for Exam papers include all the slides and PDF and required materials for the Exam preparation and exam study and guide.
PDF and Slides:.
Quick Steps To Pass the Exam (AZ-900 - Microsoft Azure Fundamentals)
Find the Below steps to pass the Exam.
1 : Must have gone through whole blog step by step
2: Find the pdf and all the slides from the google link must go through all the services and tools and all the topics in the slides.
3; Once you have completed all the slides and you will get aware of all the cloud concepts its Architecture and services plus azure management and governance
4: Make sure go through slides and summary pdfs once all done go through the website
Examtopic for the complete test questions and answers.
5: Go through all questions and answers and prepare your self well for the Exam.
These are the Simple steps through which you are able to get AZ-900 certified.
Share to me in the comment in case of clarification.